🇺🇿Mustagillik – eng ulug’ ne’matdir. Biz ushbu ne’matga erishish xalqimiz uchun qanchalik qiyin bo’Iganini hali ham eslaymiz va qadrlaymiz. Barchangizga oilaviy baxt, tinchlik-farovonlik, sixat-salomatlik tilab qolamiz!
Bayramni oila davrasida ajoyib tarzda o’tkazishingizga tilakdoshmiz!
🎉Congratulations to all of you on the day of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan!
🇺🇿Independence is the greatest blessing. We still remember and appreciate how difficult it was for our people to achieve this blessing!
We wish you to spend the holiday with your loved ones in a wonderful wav!